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this.setCurrency = setCurrencyNF; this.setCurrencyPrefix = setCurrencyPrefixNF; this.setCurrencyValue = setCurrencyValueNF; this.setCurrencyPosition = setCurrencyPositionNF; this.setPlaces = setPlacesNF; this.toFormatted = toFormattedNF; this.toPercentage = toPercentageNF; this.getOriginal = getOriginalNF; this.moveDecimalRight = moveDecimalRightNF; this.moveDecimalLeft = moveDecimalLeftNF; this.getRounded = getRoundedNF; this.preserveZeros = preserveZerosNF; this.justNumber = justNumberNF; this.expandExponential = expandExponentialNF; this.getZeros = getZerosNF; this.moveDecimalAsString = moveDecimalAsStringNF; this.moveDecimal = moveDecimalNF; this.addSeparators = addSeparatorsNF; if (inputDecimal == null) { this.setNumber(num, this.PERIOD); } else { this.setNumber(num, inputDecimal); } this.setCommas(true); this.setNegativeFormat(this.LEFT_DASH); this.setNegativeRed(false); this.setCurrency(false); this.setCurrencyPrefix('$'); this.setPlaces(decimalPlaces); } function setInputDecimalNF(val) { this.inputDecimalValue = val; } function setNumberNF(num, inputDecimal) { if (inputDecimal != null) { this.setInputDecimal(inputDecimal); } this.numOriginal = num; this.num = this.justNumber(num); } function toUnformattedNF() { return (this.num); } function getOriginalNF() { return (this.numOriginal); } function setNegativeFormatNF(format) { this.negativeFormat = format; } function setNegativeRedNF(isRed) { this.negativeRed = isRed; } function setSeparatorsNF(isC, separator, decimal) { this.hasSeparators = isC; if (separator == null) separator = this.COMMA; if (decimal == null) decimal = this.PERIOD; if (separator == decimal) { this.decimalValue = (decimal == this.PERIOD) ? this.COMMA : this.PERIOD; } else { this.decimalValue = decimal; } this.separatorValue = separator; } function setCommasNF(isC) { this.setSeparators(isC, this.COMMA, this.PERIOD); } function setCurrencyNF(isC) { this.hasCurrency = isC; } function setCurrencyValueNF(val) { this.currencyValue = val; } function setCurrencyPrefixNF(cp) { this.setCurrencyValue(cp); this.setCurrencyPosition(this.LEFT_OUTSIDE); } function setCurrencyPositionNF(cp) { this.currencyPosition = cp } function setPlacesNF(p, tr) { this.roundToPlaces = !(p == this.NO_ROUNDING); this.truncate = (tr != null && tr); this.places = (p < 0) ? 0 : p; } function addSeparatorsNF(nStr, inD, outD, sep) { nStr += ''; var dpos = nStr.indexOf(inD); var nStrEnd = ''; if (dpos != -1) { nStrEnd = outD + nStr.substring(dpos + 1, nStr.length); nStr = nStr.substring(0, dpos); } var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(nStr)) { nStr = nStr.replace(rgx, '$1' + sep + '$2'); } return nStr + nStrEnd; } function toFormattedNF() { var pos; var nNum = this.num; var nStr; var splitString = new Array(2); if (this.roundToPlaces) { nNum = this.getRounded(nNum); nStr = this.preserveZeros(Math.abs(nNum)); } else { nStr = this.expandExponential(Math.abs(nNum)); } if (this.hasSeparators) { nStr = this.addSeparators(nStr, this.PERIOD, this.decimalValue, this.separatorValue); } else { nStr = nStr.replace(new RegExp('\\' + this.PERIOD), this.decimalValue); } var c0 = ''; var n0 = ''; var c1 = ''; var n1 = ''; var n2 = ''; var c2 = ''; var n3 = ''; var c3 = ''; var negSignL = (this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) ? this.LEFT_PAREN : this.DASH; var negSignR = (this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) ? this.RIGHT_PAREN : this.DASH; if (this.currencyPosition == this.LEFT_OUTSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n1 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n2 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c0 = this.currencyValue; } else if (this.currencyPosition == this.LEFT_INSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n0 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n3 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c1 = this.currencyValue; } else if (this.currencyPosition == this.RIGHT_INSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n0 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n3 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c2 = this.currencyValue; } else if (this.currencyPosition == this.RIGHT_OUTSIDE) { if (nNum < 0) { if (this.negativeFormat == this.LEFT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n1 = negSignL; if (this.negativeFormat == this.RIGHT_DASH || this.negativeFormat == this.PARENTHESIS) n2 = negSignR; } if (this.hasCurrency) c3 = this.currencyValue; } nStr = c0 + n0 + c1 + n1 + nStr + n2 + c2 + n3 + c3; if (this.negativeRed && nNum < 0) { nStr = '' + nStr + ''; } return (nStr); } function toPercentageNF() { nNum = this.num * 100; nNum = this.getRounded(nNum); return nNum + '%'; } function getZerosNF(places) { var extraZ = ''; var i; for (i=0; i= 0 ? Math.floor(val) : Math.ceil(val); } else { val = Math.round(val); } val = this.moveDecimalLeft(val); return val; } function preserveZerosNF(val) { var i; val = this.expandExponential(val); if (this.places <= 0) return val; var decimalPos = val.indexOf('.'); if (decimalPos == -1) { val += '.'; for (i=0; i